JailTHEOLOGY.net: a new theology based on trusting the Word of GOD just for exactly what it says.
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Hyper-Calvinist Universal Salvation
Simulation Theory Proves GOD
Debunking Atheism
Jail Theology
Apologetical Studies
End Times: Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, Invisible Church, Rapture
Faith, Prayer, & Christian Meditation
The Inner Mysticism of Simple, Perpetual, Verb-like Belief in Christ
The Primacy of Faith-Feeling Over Science, Reason, and Logic
Free Will (non-Free Will), Epistemology, Mind
Feeling the Presence of Christ, the Infinity Behind Physical Reality
What Humans Perceive in Reality Outside Themselves in Physical Reality is A Confirmation-Stream and Language-Stream From God: Christ’s Atonement = The Creative Force of Reality
Heavenly Hosts, Angels, Seraphim
King James Bible Only
Jesus = His Name, And That Is How He Is In The Davidic Line
Occasionalism / Divine Omnicausality
Simulation Theory: Mindscreen Implantation and Avoiding the Contradiction of Physical Reality
Pain, Fallenness, Etc.
Clearest Explanation for Why Hell is Fire & Torment:
Evidence that Original Sin is Scriptural Truth
Sin, Nothingness, the Liar Paradox, and the Contamination of Creation
Why Would God Create THIS World of Pain and Sin?
Political Theological Issues
Prayer and Communion with Christ
Holiness Is Being Ceaselessly Crucified With Christ: The Path to Perfected Ecclesia
Joy Theology, June 2018
Science, Theology, and Christianity
We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight: God is Not Found With Science.
The Bible
There Are No Contradictions Between the Four Gospels, Part 1: Women at the Tomb, Place of Jesus’ Birth, Resurrection Time
Why Murder in the Bible Does Not Contradict “Thou Shalt Not Kill”
The Cross, Atonement
Analysis of John 20
Predestination, Modal Realism, Multiverse/Infinite Universes, Hyper-Calvinism
Teaching, Art, Etc.
Critical Thinking, University of Michigan – Dearborn, W2013 Semester, Jeff Grupp (Lecturer)
University Lectures from Before I was a Christian
2-D Art
DEEP Logos
Digital Sculpture
Desert Monk (Film Series)
Experimental Theological Films
Francis of Assisi. A film by Jeff Grupp.
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University Lectures from Before I was a Christian
Website of Jeff Grupp