Because it’s Where Sin is, Sinful Places are Fallen, and Fallen Places are Misery (Similar to the World)
By Jeff Grupp, March 29, 2018
PDF available: Clearest Explanation for Why Hell is Fire and Torment: Because Hell Has Sin, Sinful Places Are Fallen, and Fallen Places Are Misery
Video covering this article (the article and PDF are slightly updated over the video):
Simply put:
Hell is so horrific because it’s a fallen place, and that’s what fallen places are like: miserable and painful.
This article will discuss how by pure logic the conclusion is reached that reality can only contain a place like the Biblical Hell for the souls of those who have rejected God and not been chosen by God, and that this place can only be as it is described in the Bible: a place of maximum torment and misery. I will spell-out the deductive logical argument for this below.
So many Christians and non-Christians are astonished as to why God created Hell, but the Bible does not state that God created Hell, and it appears that human free-will created it, and by the fact that some humans were not chosen by God for salvation (since their souls were the type or quality that God could put His Spirit into, see Grupp 2018). I say this because there are no verses in the Bible that state that the Trinity created Hell, how Hell was created, and so forth. Rather, we only find this verse:Matthew 25:41 New King James Version (NKJV)
41 “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels…
Notice that this verse does not even directly state that God created Hell—or even that He “prepared” it. Some may still want to assert that this verse implies that God was the “preparer” of Hell (which, strictly speaking, would be a stretch, and over-and-above the text). But even if that were allowed, that God “prepared” Hell, over-and-above what is says in Matthew 25:41, it still would not indicate that He was the creator of Hell, and would even imply He’s not. This is because the word “prepared” is not identical to the word “created”. It appears the meaning of the word “created” means something more like an origination, and bringing about an entity that did not previously exist, whereas “prepared” means modifying some existing entity or set of circumstances. The word “prepared” appears quite consistently across translations, as follows:
Matthew 25:41 Amplified Bible (AMP):
41 “Then He will say to those on His left, ‘Leave Me, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels (demons);
Matthew 25:41 English Standard Version (ESV):
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
Matthew 25:41 Darby Translation (DARBY):
41 Then shall he say also to those on the left, Go from me, cursed, into eternal fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Matthew 25:41 1599 Geneva Bible (GNV):
41 Then shall he say to them on the left hand, Depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting fire, which is prepared for the devil and his angels.
Matthew 25:41 International Standard Version (ISV):
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Get away from me, you who are accursed, into the eternal fire that has been prepared for the Devil and his angels!
Matthew 25:41 King James Version (KJV):
41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Matthew 25:41 New American Standard Bible (NASB):
41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
Matthew 25:41 New Living Translation (NLT):
41 “Then the King will turn to those on the left and say, ‘Away with you, you cursed ones, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his demons.[a]
Matthew 25:41 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV):
41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘You that are accursed, depart from me into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels;
Matthew 25:41 Revised Standard Version (RSV):
41 Then he will say to those at his left hand, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels;
In my perusing of translations, the following three did not contain the word “prepared”, but also do not contain “create”, and they are consistent with the “prepared” theme:
Matthew 25:41 Wycliffe Bible (WYC):
41 Then the king shall say also to them, that shall be on his left half, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, that is made ready to the devil and his angels [which is made ready to the devil and his angels].
Matthew 25:41 The Voice (VOICE):
41 At that He will turn to those on His left hand. King: Get away from Me, you despised people whom My Father has cursed. Claim your inheritance—the pits of flaming hell where the devil and his minions suffer.
Matthew 25:41 New Life Version (NLV):
41 “Then the King will say to those on His left side, ‘Go away from Me! You are guilty! Go into the fire that lasts forever. It has been made ready for the devil and his angels.
Since we know that the apple event in Genesis 3 caused nature and Creation to be altered and distorted, introducing pain, suffering, and torment into reality, we can very safely infer that any place that has sin also will have the same qualities: a realm containing sinners will consequently be a realm containing pain, suffering, torment, and other results of the contamination that sin brings into surrounding existence. The Bible does not directly tell us how Hell was created, or by whom, but we can at least infer how it came-into-being directly from Scripture:
The argument below reveals that the existence of Hell is a spontaneous outcome of human free-willed sin distorting God’s Creation.
In the same way that sin caused, for example, thorns to appear on bushes, and animals (eventually) to turn non-vegetarian for sustenance, it also led to the origination of a place called Hell, to house the unrighteous who have chosen to reject God, due to the hardness of their hearts, and due to the non-spiritual form and mathematics of their souls (see Grupp 2018). It’s as if, in this case, the spiritual laws of reality operated like laws of nature, where when some state of affairs, A, was in place, this spontaneously and automatically led to another state of affairs, B—such as when, for example, the temperature falling below freezing-level will, spontaneously, automatically lead water to change its structure and become a solid: one set of circumstances (temperature falling) spontaneously, automatically led to conditions where an entity changed from being what it was to being something entirely different than what it was (liquid changed to solid). So, just as
Water temperature lowering, by the laws of nature/reality, automatically, lawfully, and spontaneously leads to and causes water changing to ice.
So also
The scars of sin, altering and contaminating Creation, by the laws of reality, automatically, lawfully, and spontaneously led to (caused) Creation having an altered structure and form.
And that shows us why Hell exists: Hell exists because people chose it to exist; it is one of the alterations of Creation due to the introduction of sin in the Garden. A more theologically rigorous way to say that, is to say that Hell exists because there were souls that were unchosen/non-elected, and thus there would be sinfulness in reality via the unchosen, wherein by the nothingness and supernaturality of the free-willed sin of the condemned, it followed that a domain must exist to house those unchosen/non-elect souls after the death of their bodies (See Grupp 2018.)
The existence of Hell is a natural product of the sin-distortion process. With sin entering the world via the Fall, Creation was changed, from pure to fallen, from unscarred to scarred, and thus Creation’s properties and entities were distorted accordingly.
Due to the fall, and due to the fact that there will be humans who reject God in the fallen reality, the argument below shows that there has to be a place to “house” souls that reject God with finality, who reject God to the point of no turning back, choosing to be maximally separated from Him forever (that is, they reject Christ up to the point of their physical body death). Since sin in the physical world distorted Creation, likewise Hell can only be a sin-distorted, sin-scarred, place since the hopelessly fallen sinners will live there. Just like the way the world is fallen (painful, hateful, violent, sin-scarred, etc.) due to its being contaminated with the scars of sin, so too must Hell be, since it is the place that the unchosen rejecters of God must end-up, but in the case of Hell, it is fallen to a maximum degree (Hell would have more fallenness, more separateness, from Trinity than our physical world does). Just like the world has separation from God and thus is a place of misery and pain, so too with Hell, but to a significantly greater degree. That’s why Hell can only be how it is described in the Bible: it’s a spontaneous product of the disease of sin distorting Creation, involving the maximum separation from God, and thus the maximum fallen-misery.
With those points in mind, the following logical argument shows the ironclad logic that verifies the existence of Hell, not as being caused by God, but rather by human sin—it simply follows automatically from the apple event (sin scarring the world).
- There are no Bible verses that show that God created Hell. Only one in Matthew that shows that Hell was “prepared,” by whom we don’t know, and our only reference to it in the Bible is that it was prepared (which is not identical to being created).
- Adam ate the apple, and Creation was altered by sin, analogously like a virus or disease spreading out from the apple-event, and into all of Creation.
- More specifically, Creation was distorted, for the simple reason that it no longer was the same entity: at one moment (pre-apple) it was not contaminated by sin, and the next moment (apple willfully being eaten) it was contaminated or scarred by sin. At the pre-apple moment Creation had the qualities of being uncontaminated by sin, then at the apple-eaten moment it had the qualities of being contaminated—so it can’t be the same entity, the same Creation, from one moment to the next: from one moment to the other Creation had different qualities, different attributes and therefore altered beings and entities, as the scars of sin spread and deformed possibly nearly everything. From one moment to the next it had no thorns on bushes to having bushes that will produce thorns. From one moment to the next, the lion went from laying with the lamb to eventually wanting to savagely devour the lamb. So, an amazing deformation of all of Creation occurred from one moment to the next, where the two worlds (Creation uncontaminated and then Creation contaminated) became, in many ways, opposite of each other, pre-apple to eaten-apple.
- So, Creation became a place contaminated by sin, and such a place naturally involves the sort of existence for humans that goes with sin: confusion, shame, hate, violence, lies, and all the rest–which are really types of torment. Creation became a place of misery and torment, since that’s the sort of place a sin-contaminated place is.[1]
- The post-apple world contains the unchosen/non-elect, who will remain in sin (do not become children of Christ) up to the point of their death.
- The contaminated Creation will require there to be a place to “house” those unrighteous referred to in point 5, a storage area (Hell) for those who hate and reject God after they die (bodily death).
- The storage zone of the unrighteous souls referred to in 6 has to be maximally distant from God, a larger separation from God, since these beings have not been saved by God, changed into His likeness, and therefore are not worthy of being in God’s presence (since beings of sin, not like God, not with Godliness, cannot have His presence).
- For the same reasons that Creation was concluded to be a place of pain and torment in step 4 above, in the same way, the aforementioned storage house for the unrighteous for eternity has to contain maximal separation from God and therefore maximum ramifications of that sort of a separation from God: maximum torment and pain, misery and horror.
- But Hell is precisely that sort of place: a place of sinners, for sinners, who have chosen maximum separation from God, and, ipso facto, it is a place of greatest misery and torment (a maximum level of misery and torment, since it involves the maximum separation from God).
- Human free will (Adam eating the apple) is responsible for Hell, and Hell spontaneously formed in the same way that thorns spontaneously formed on bushes, and the appetite of the lion to eat the lamb spontaneously formed in its body and mind: because of human free-will, not because of God. This makes a lot of sense, since God cannot create sin (and hence why Calvinist-Augustinian theologians call sin “nothingness”).
- 11. CONCLUSION: And for these reasons, Hell must exist merely if sin exists and if the non-elect exist, and Hell can only be just like what is described as in the Bible: a place of misery and torment, since, like the world (which is also a place of misery and torment that we are to hate, John 12:25), Hell is a place of sin and misery.
-Jeffrey Grupp,, March 29, 2018
[1] I am not saying every moment of life on Earth is pain and torment, but only that a lot of it is, unlike how our lives in the Glory of God will be on the New Earth in the future. But verses like John 12:25 and Luke 14:26, as well as the life of Jesus, show us that we should not be expecting life on Earth to be free of a lot of pain.
Work Cited
Grupp, Jeffrey, 2018, “God’s Pre-Election Knowledge of the Soul: A New Interpretation of Biblical Election and Predestination Showing Why God Only Chose Some Rather Than All,” in Theologic: Revelation, Calvinism, Surrender, Nothingness, Kalamazoo: Praise and Love Church, (print copy available at, free online copy at, pages 5-33.
PDF available: Clearest Explanation for Why Hell is Fire and Torment: Because Hell Has Sin, Sinful Places Are Fallen, and Fallen Places Are Misery
Here is a video covering this article, see YouTube link immediately below (the article and PDF are slightly updated over the video).
Here is a second video about issues related to what is in this article, see YouTube link immediately below. Title of this one is: God did not Create Hell, Human Sin Did, and it Can Only Be a Place of Torment.
In accord with 1 Corinthians 9:17-19, where we are told in the Word that we are not to charge payment for ministry lest we succumb to seeking power and consequent sin, all materials (articles, videos) on this site are therefore available for free (no charge), but if you would like to have a physical copy of this article, you can purchase it thru this link:
TheoLOGIC: Revelation, Calvinism, Surrender, Nothingness.
By Jeff Grupp,
Dec. 2018, Hardcover, 138 Pages
1 Corinthians 9:17-19 New King James Version (NKJV)
17 For if I do this willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, I have been entrusted with a stewardship. 18 What is my reward then? That when I preach the gospel, I may present the gospel of Christ without charge, that I may not abuse my authority in the gospel.