“Every knee shall bow.” Romans 14:11.
My book, Hyper-Calvinist Universal Salvation, is now available.
Description: A new systematic theology and eschatology which uncovers the profound nature of the interaction that all humans have with GOD at the Eschaton (end of the world), an interaction of being inside of GOD’s Fire (Consuming Fire, Lake of Fire), and every tongue will confess, wherein every person is brought to salvation.
One of the main systematic arguments contained in my book:
Radio broadcast about Hyper-Calvinist Universal Salvation:
Scripture describes how universal salvation brings more to love Jesus:
Does GOD force people to love Him?
Serpent Seed Theology of Genesis 3:15. If correct, would lead to strong support for Hyper-Calvinism:
Here are some Scripture studies about Hyper-Calvinist Universal Salvation:
Here are the oldest, earliest accounts of what later was developed into my MA thesis, which was called Evangelical Calvinist Universal Salvation (read it at Acaedemia.com), and where that MA thesis developed into the book, Hyper-Calvinist Universal Salvation:
Broadcast #1: Romans 3 Universalism & Calvinist Universalism Overview:
Broadcast #2: Context and Definition of the Word “Forever” (or “Everlasting,” etc.) in Biblically Discussing Hell:
Broadcast #3: Limited Atonement Logic: Calvinist Solves the (Apparent) Limited Atonement Paradox:
Also, the web addresses, UniversalSalvation.net, will also get you to this page, for quick access.