Critical Thinking, University of Michigan – Dearborn, W2013 Semester, Jeff Grupp (Lecturer)

I was the critical thinking professor at University of Michigan – Dearborn from 2010 to 2013. On this page you will find my last full semester of critical thinking that I taught, Winter of 2013 semester, before I stopped teaching. I had a sudden and unexpected spiritual experience just after this class was completed in 2013, and I consequently converted to Christianity, and did not return to teaching at UMD after that. To the left is a copy of my lecture notes I used while teaching (see books page if you want a copy).

Class #1, January 2013: Class introduction

Class #2: January 2013: Empiricism, Theory, Perception, Science:

Class #3: January 2013: Empirical and Theoretical Shifts of Ideas Through Time:

Class #4: January 2013: Induction, Theory, Empiricism, Evidence:

I will be putting up more videos from this class very soon.

Website of Jeff Grupp